Have you ever worn stiletto heels?

Have you ever worn a set of stiletto heels? Bear with me a minute here…I meant to say have any women reading this ever worn stiletto heels before? Somehow the mental picture of two funky old graybeard males needing shaves wearing color-coordinated stiletto heels takes me back to certain places in San Francisco’s Castro neighborhood, a residual memory that still haunts me to this day. We probably do not need to go there.

The advantages, according to the moguls in charge of shoes are that they give the optical illusion of a longer, slimmer leg, a smaller foot, and a greater overall height. They also alter the wearer’s posture and gait, flexing the calf muscles, and making the bust and buttocks more prominent. Some can use the emphasis, some probably should avoid it all possible costs.

stiletto heels

However, stilettos disproportionately result in ankle and foot damage. Given the deplorable condition of the sidewalks and streets in Spokane’s version of the Universal Urban Obstacle Course should leave us asking, is making my butt more prominent worth the cost of orthopaedic surgery from a shattered ankle?

I simply do not understand. Can someone enlighten me before I rush out to one of the shoe emporiums and buy a set of these so-called “wonderful shoes”. Besides I don’t need any emphasis of my big behind nor do I need to waltz into Dempsey’s Brass Rail wearing an air of insouciant pulchritude wearing stiletto heels and cheap perfume.

What about you?